Thursday, October 29, 2009

Baby Sling Update


Many people called and email me about baby sling. So, for a start, I'd like to offer a few. You can purchase this at RM65 each and get a free registered post (3+1 day delivery) or just ad RM3 if you prefer poslaju (next-day delivery).

From left: Purple Checks, Dark Maroon Flowery, Lilac Flowery, Peach Flowery.

You can view the video on various ways you can use a baby sling here!!

The advantage of using baby sling.

Following are some of the advantages of "wearing" your baby (from "The Baby Book" by William and Martha Sears):

  • It's convenient. You can breastfeed discretely in a sling while working, getting things done around the house, shopping or eating in a restaurant. If you have a baby who wants to be held all the time, this is an easy way to meet her needs while doing other things.
  • It helps moms care for older siblings. Carrying your baby in a sling can give you the mobility to care for your older children.
  • It helps some babies to breastfeed better. Some babies, particularly those who are tense or tend to arch their backs, breastfeed better while moving. Also, babies who are slow to gain weight (for no apparent reason) have been known to gain better if carried in a sling for several hours a day, since proximity to mom encourages babies to eat more frequently.
  • It reduces crying and colic. A 1986 study of 99 mother-infant pairs (reported in Pediatrics) showed that carrying babies at least three hours a day reduces crying and fussing 43% during the day and 51% at night. Babies are happier because they have less need to cry, and parents enjoy their babies more as a result.
  • It enhances learning. Carried babies have enhanced visual and auditory alertness, and increased "quiet alertness" times. Carrying a baby promotes cognitive development and speech development, since babies are exposed to more experiences and conversations.
  • Carried babies are involved in their parents' world. They participate in life, rather than see it as a spectator.
  • Carrying your baby promotes bonding and enhances parents' feelings of competence. A higher frequency of feeding and touching stimulates mothering hormones, and frequent carrying encourages and speeds the development of a mutual reading of each others cues.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Cara berCloth Diaper??


Ramai yang fikir SUSAH bercloth diaper ni.. Tapi, ia tak lah sesusah yang disangkakan. You are what you think, sepatah kata mat salleh.. YANG UTAMA: Tentukan matlamat anda. Kenapa anda beli cloth diaper? Nak jimat? Nak kurangkan kesan terhadap alam sekitar? Anak anda alah dengan disposable diaper? Kalau ada salah satu dari matlamat ini, pasti anda akan lebih positif..

Saya tolong anda, boleh? Di sini saya ringkaskan cara penggunaan CD ni..

Cara menggunakan CD!

Sangat mudah.. Ibu yang bekerja pun, boleh menggunakannya..

Untuk CD baru, rendam dulu dengan air panas. Kemudian bilas dengan air biasa. CD akan lebih menyerap selepas 3 kali cucian. Cuci tanpa sabun atau freshner.

  • Waktu siang - Gunakan 1 insert selama 3 hingga 4 jam. Jika khuatir basah, boleh gunakan 2 inserts.

  • Waktu malam - Gunakan 2 inserts. Boleh tahan 6-7 jam.

Ibu bekerja? Tak susah..

Mula-mula etakkan inserts siap-siap dalam pocket pants di rumah. Maklumkan pada pengasuh yang anda tak gunakan disposable diapers. Minta pengasuh tukar CD bila perlu sepertimana menukar lampin pakai buang. Masukkan CD yang kotor ke dalam beg khas-wetbag (plastic bag pun boleh). Sampai rumah, masukkan CD2 yang kotor dalam washing machine. Jalankan machine seperti biasa.

Bagi yang rajin, boleh basuh tangan. Kemudian masukkan ke dalam washing machine dan spin.

Baby buang air besar?

Untuk selamatkan lampin dari terlekat dengan najis besar, alaskan nappy liner (macam tisu) pada bahagian dalam pocket pants. NL bertindak mengasingkan pepejal dari terkena terus pada Pants. Buang najis dalam toilet bowl. (Jika NL bukan jenis yang boleh flush, perlu dibuang ke dalam tong sampah. Bersihkan dulu supaya najis tak bercampur dengan sampah yang lain). Cuci seperti yang dianjurkan di atas.


Islam sangat menyarankan kebersihan dan sangat mementingkan penjagaan alam sekitar. Nasihat untuk diri saya juga, najis (solid) baby perlu diasingkan sebelum nappy liner yang bukan dari jenis disposable dibuang ke dalam tong sampah. Ini bagi mengurangkan pencemaran bau dan mengelakkan kebarangkalian air dari najis itu meresap masuk ke dalam tanah dan sekaligus mencemarkan punca air kita. Bila najis dibuang ke dalam toilet bowl, ia akan terus disalurkan ke dalam septic tank dan di rawat sebelum disalurkan semula ke dalam sungai... Jadi, tak berlakulah pencemaran air!!

Kan seronok kalau semua bercloth diaper?? Dapat jimat wang, selamatkan alam sekitar, selamatkan anak kita... JOM BERCD!! SELAMAT MENCUBA!!

The Landfill Story That Related To Diapers and Pads

Landfill issues has again been brought up by the government. A number of active landfill are now waiting for its time to be closed and new landfills has to be looked for. Year by year, the price of land increases. To provide a space for household garbage is very expensive. But very few people have this knowledge.

What do we, human contributes to usage of landfill? No doubt, food and kitchen wastes has to be dumped in there. Other municipal solid wastes or the commercial name is urban solid wastes are recyclable wastes like glass, bottle, can; composite wastes like waste clothing, Tetra Paks, waste plastics; hazardous wastes like medication, light bulps, spray can, fertilizer, etc.

Let's focus on disposable diapers and pads. This is the story. Most babies in Malaysia are wearing disposable diapers and most woman are wearing disposable pads. These items are one of the top wastes found in landfills. I know this because I've been working on a Solid Waste Management project at Jinjang landfill back in year 2000. Our aim was to find out the types of wastes commonly thrown by people in housing area. Besides food wastes, disposable diapers and pads were at the top rank.

Not many people know that the workers in the landfill have to seperate wastes that can be recycled with others that can't. They also have to seperate hazardous wastes so that they won't contaminate the underground water.

We found out that many Malaysian were not aware of the right way of throwing disposable diapers dan pads. Babies' solid wastes (poo) are suppose to be thrown in the toilet bowl first. The blood on the disposable diapers are suppose to be washed first. You are aware of the odour from these 2 items right and what others? 1) Of course they contribute to bad odours, 2) They contribute to water pollution, 3) They contribute to the mounting up of landfill, 4) They are not biodegradable. The worst part is, landfill workers seperate them and can you imagine other people seeing the poo and your blood particularly? Isn't that filthy leaving your own private wastes been seen by somebody else? And the workers are men.. I was so embarased that time. We worked in group and there were a male student in my group. My male friend asked the worker (looking at the pads), "Is this usual?" The worker replied, "We see them everyday."

What can we do to solve this problem? Which one in the list that you'd prefer to resolve? Malaysian need to educate themselves the right way to dispose these items. We need to care of something. Be it the environmental effect that will occur, or individual self-hygienic means. We need to choose at least one of these to at least minimise their effects..

I choose to stop wearing all disposable items unless biodegradable. I hope this will help reduce the environmental effect, the landfill problem and of course I don't have to let other people see that private waste of mine.. If not all can do this, a few might help. Be the one that can help..


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